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Hi, I'm Jamie, an author here at On Knowing. I hope these posts add to your understand of what knowledge is!
Posts by Jamie
Beyond Fundamentalism
Religious conservatives have given fundamentalism a bad reputation. “Epistemology of Descartes is known as Fundamentalism. In his book of Meditations on First Philosophy, Descartes tr...
In OnKnowing, Aug 05, 2022Learning from Mistakes
The ‘Frog and Peach’ comedy routine features Dudley Moore interviewing an eccentric restaurant owner played by Peter Cook. Cook describes in detail a failed restaurant that only serve...
In OnKnowing, Jul 25, 2022Trial & Error vs Recipe
Problem-solving can be seen broadly as transitioning a situation from one state to another. This view covers a host of human endeavors. Most often the end state is considered a goal o...
In OnKnowing, Jul 24, 2022How Math Works
Math stands alone in the discussions of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). Other fields of endeavor rely upon mathematics to create models of theories and work ...
In OnKnowing, Jul 19, 2022Experience of Reality
In the movie The Matrix (1999) the scene What is Real? has the main character named Neo connected to a computer simulation with a terminal jack in the back of his head. Once in the si...
In OnKnowing, Jul 17, 2022The Importance of Errors
People often believe if errors and mistakes didn’t occur their lives would be better and the world would be a better place to live. Errors are important and their essential nature is ...
In OnKnowing, Jul 06, 2022What is Knowledge and does it matter?
Some think knowledge is a belief which is always true. They might say, “I know the sun will come up tomorrow.” But, such a statement would prove false in the aftermath of a supernova....
In OnKnowing, Jul 03, 2022Welcome to On Knowing!
On Knowing is the blog for Research on Knowing LLC. Here you will find articles posted exploring the practical application of epistemology to advance how we learn, understand and crea...
In OnKnowing, Jul 01, 2022